Plast Eurasia 2016 – Thank You for Coming to Our Booth!


Fung Chang appreciates your visit to our booth at Plast Eurasia 2016 - the most significant meeting of the plastics industry in Turkey.

Despite the coup and terrorism taking place in Turkey, it does not affect the trend of visiting exhibition of the plastics industry. Besides Turkey visitors, many customers are from Balkan Peninsula, Southeast Europe, Arabian Peninsula, North Africa, and so on.

Fung Chang received inquiries about Raschel knitting machine for producing fishing net, onion bag, harvesting net, and anti-hail net, etc. Based on the specifications of the net products customers intend to make, Fung Chang provides suitable solutions to meet their needs. Our SR series provides agriculture net solutions for mono x mono, tape x tape, and tape x mono yarn; DR2 series can produce onion bags in tape yarn.

We appreciate the hospitality of the restaurant which served us varieties of delicious dishes.

If you have any further question, please do not hesitate to contact us!

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